Obama was on his way back to the oval office after discussing his stimulus plan and tried to open a window he thought was a door. Apparently, the real door is a few feet to his right. Kinda funny. If this happened to Bush, like when he tried to open a door that was locked, it would have been on the evening news and Leno would have made a few jokes about it. I'm just saying. (I'm not saying that I don't like Obama. I'm saying that it's clear who the press likes.)

Ewww. Delete that first comment, quick.
I think that is so funny. I can totally see myself doing the same thing, but you are right that it would totally be national news if Bush did it.
What did that comment say? That sounds like me when I try to open drawers that I know perfectly well are glued shut.
It didn't say anything inappropriate. It's a girl from China. I don't know who she is but I think the profile picture is what Em didn't like. I think it was probably innocent.
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