Okay, let's be honest people. Did she look better before or after? (Do you even know who this is? If not, it's Heidi from the Hills.)
I think they could have found a better before picture (because this before does make her chin look big but if you look at the two last pictures below, it's not) but even with these two to compare, I would like to scream BEFORE! I couldn't post the one with her in her bikini because it's just too painful to look at her boobs. Does she look pretty in the after photo? Yes, she does but she doesn't look like anyone special. In the before, she's way, WAY cuter. I'm not even just talking about the plastic surgery differences. I like her darker hair better and her makeup. I love this quote, "I feel like I look like me but a little bit of a different version. Like an upgrade. The best me." No, you don't look like you, you really look like a porn star. I also love the quote, "I was more like a frumpy sidekick to Lauren." Please. (Lauren's the one second from the right.)

I saved these photos just in case I ever teach the Young Women again because this whole thing is crazy to me. She had a brow lift and botox and she's 23! Even Spencer told her it was out of control. I really don't have anything against plastic surgery. Do one, maybe two, procedures if you really want to and get a C cup instead of DDD in hopes of getting an H (seriously she said that and she can't be more than 5'4".). If I ever think about wanting to change things about me, I'm going to look at the article in People and these before and after photos and realize what God gave me is far more beautiful version of me and I don't want to change it like she did. (I really wanted those H's but Heidi convinced me to get more like a DD.)

I like this video.
I'm so glad you did a post on it or else I would have had to. She looks just like every other porn star (but I wouldn't know). She looks so horrible now, I feel bad because she most feel so incredibly awful about herself and doing this isn't going to make her feel better, plus, you can never get your normal looking self back. I've never been opposed to a nose job or if you have some hugely obvious problem that hinders your face, but I think anything else is silly and vain. I just think out of all the problems in this world, you'll waste money making your boobies stick straight out even when you're not wearing a bra? Your husband needs that that much? Good post Laur.
And about Conan, I need tor ead about what happened, I don't get how he could have been that bad.
This story has been traumatizing me all weekend so thanks for posting so we can talk about it! It is soooo sad she has done this to herself. If she was my daughter I would cry and cry and cry. She is 23 flipping years old! Botox?!! Ears pinned back?!! Oh heavens, it makes me want to puke. I think I might. I'm not going to think about those things at least until I'm 30. :) Seriously though, like you said nobody now-a-days is totally opposed to plastic surgery as a whole, but like this it's just so extreme. I liked the Heidi from the old Hills so much better.
Sorry I'm still talking. It also makes me so sad because you have someone like Stephanie Nielsen who loved herself and thought she was beautiful and had her beautiful body and face taken away from her in a plane crash. Now she has had to have dozens of painful surgeries to try and scrape together what's left. Then you have Heidi, a girl who was beautiful going through these insanely expensive and painful procedures to change herself and try to look perfect. So much wrong with the world! Heidi needs to spend one day with Stephanie and maybe some sense would be knocked into her head. Not likely, though.
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