Friday, February 6, 2009

Nailed 'Em

I know you've come across things in life that just don't make sense. Something that has a good reason for being that way but is taken to the extreme when you take out common sense. You know what I'm talking about. Do I know what I'm talking about? I think. Like taking off our shoes at the airport. Do I really have to take off my 1 cm thick flip flops? Anyway, check out this video. It's hilarious. It's from Colbert Nation called Nailed 'Em - Amtrak Photographer

We don't have the Comedy Central channel but I wish we did so I could watch this show. Here's a random thought. The name of Adam's last boss in the Army was Stephen Colbert. I was always so confused because pronounced it differently than the famous guy so I would have to say the famous name to remember how not to say it every time I saw him. Too much for a pregnant lady to handle. 

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